The finest May weather I recall since 1989

There has been an exceptional spell of weather in Northern Ireland since late May, with 19 days in which the temperature always rose to 20 Celsius or higher. Above, people enjoy the good weather on Sunday June 3 at Helen's Bay in Co Down. 

Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEyeThere has been an exceptional spell of weather in Northern Ireland since late May, with 19 days in which the temperature always rose to 20 Celsius or higher. Above, people enjoy the good weather on Sunday June 3 at Helen's Bay in Co Down. 

Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye
There has been an exceptional spell of weather in Northern Ireland since late May, with 19 days in which the temperature always rose to 20 Celsius or higher. Above, people enjoy the good weather on Sunday June 3 at Helen's Bay in Co Down. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye
I hope you enjoyed the recent weather.

Such spells are rare in Northern Ireland. On this occasion, there were 19 days beginning on May 23 in which it always reached 20 Celsius (68F) or higher.

John Wylie, the Met Office expert, tells me on page 6 (see link below) that May is our best month. Even so, I do not recall a period of such prolonged fine weather since 1989.

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Why am I so sure? That May I was trapped inside, procrastinating amid a project and ahead of exams.

Day after day outside was perfect weather. It was agony.

Few Mays since have been as good.

Ben Lowry (@BenLowry2) is News Letter deputy editor

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